Inquiry: You have the freedom to explore

Everyone lives their life operating by a set of largely-unspoken assumptions, theories, beliefs and “rules” about how the world works. These inner “operations manuals” are sometimes called Belief Systems. But, because belief systems are an artificial set of rules and models designed to explain reality, we know that they are NOT complete representations of those realities… and they are CERTAINLY NOT the reality itself. They are like maps that provides a two-dimensional schematic of a real place. You cannot know a place fully by looking at a map. 

Likewise, the framework of beliefs you have received and developed are your roadmap for navigating your reality, but they are NOT the reality itself. The reality is MUCH GREATER. That means that, if we seek a greater understanding of reality — the huge universe of wisdom, truth, existence and being that is beyond our current grasp (and thus not represented on our map) — we have to be willing to “look up from the map and experience the reality all around.” In other words, open our minds to acknowledge the experiences of heart and spirit that may seem at odds with our belief systems (beyond belief?). Then — and this is the key — adjust our belief system to include the new information we’ve received through our own experience. 

If an explorer, following someone else’s trail map, comes upon a river that is not on the map, the explorer does not assume that the river is an illusion and not real because it is not on the map. [This error of confusing the map for reality is what we call the “Belief System Myth.”]  The obvious truth is that the river is real and the map is incomplete and needs to show the river to better reflect the reality of the landscape. 

Unfortunately, it is too common that people become so tightly merged with their view of reality (their belief system map) that they do not welcome new information about reality. Instead, they may pretend that it doesn’t exist, or redefine what they sense to make it fit their IDEA of what is real. This is especially common when the person benefits from preserving the prevailing system.They may denounce others who report experiences that they, themselves, have not had or have not acknowledged — all to protect and defend the security of a stable belief system (no matter how inadequate it might be).

That sense of security may be the prime value for some. But if you are willing to acknowledge how much knowledge and wisdom you don’t yet have, and would like to keep growing and expanding your universe, then join me in casting off the fear of uncertainty and put your belief system map in your backpack where it belongs and start moving ahead into uncharted territory!

Begin your inquiry!  Ask questions! Especially ask the questions everyone always told you were “off-limits.”

What questions are the most burning for you?  

  • The mysteries of scientific discovery?
  • The struggles of human suffering and injustice?
  • Deeper connection with the Creator and creation itself?
  • Strengthening bonds of love and community with family, friends and society?

In this section, we will share stories of people — past and present — who have stepped into unknown territory to find answers to perplexing questions. Often they have suffered tremendous resistance from defenders of the status-quo, but they have been led by a brighter light to go beyond the limits of conventional wisdom to uncover new gems that have illuminated their own lives and the lives of others.