Additional Resources
This final section contains additional items of interest to illuminate understanding of belief systems and the discovery that awaits beyond our belief systems.
Recommended Reading:
- David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. — Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
- Plato’s Republic and other dialogs
- George Orwell — 1984
- C.S. Lewis — The Abolition of Man
- Thomas S. Kuhn — The Structures of Scientific Revolutions
- Peter M. Senge — The Fifth Discipline
- Lesslie Newbigin — Proper Confidence – Faith, doubt and certainty in Christian discipleship
- Richard Rohr — The Immortal Diamond
- Bruno Barnhart — Second Simplicity
- Arrival (2016)
- The Matrix (1999)
- My Fair Lady (1964)
Lots of popular music challenges the assumptions and limits of prevailing belief systems and social norms. We will be adding examples of songs that seem particularly significant.
Art, Poetry, Literature
As with music, all forms of art have been used to illuminate beauty and unseen realities and to challenge unhealthy influence, manipulation and control by various inadequate, cultural or institutional belief systems. When we see good examples of such art, we will try to highlight them here.